The Agenda 2030 is integrated by 17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, which aim to achieve the well-being of humanity without leaving no one behind. Most SDG targets are connected in one way or another, and their implementation must be synchronized to achieve sustainable development at the local, national and global levels.

For example, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities is linked to other Objectives, such as the end of poverty (1), health and well-being (3), education (4), gender equality (5), the reduction of inequalities (10), responsible consumption (12), climate action(13), among others.

How much do you know about sustainable development and cities?
Answer this online quiz and test your knowledge.

SDGs 1, 10 and 11

No poverty ( SDG 1 ) and reduced inequalities ( SDG 10 ) could not be solved without addressing the way cities are planned, built and managed. Select the correct answer for the following question.

SDGs 2 and 11

SDG 2 seeks for "end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture." What is the correct concept for the next paragraph?

SDGs 3 and 11

SDG 3 seeks to "guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for all", however, a poorly planned city can generate an inadequate provision of health services or infrastructure or the emergence of precarious settlements that do not have these services.
Drag to the ODS3 those health and well-being problems that a bad urban design could cause.

SDGs 4, 8 and 11

SDG 4 seeks to "ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education" and SDG 8 "promotes economic growth and full, productive and decent employment for all". How do these Objectives are related to cities?

SDGs 5 and 11

SDG 5 seeks to "achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls." Answer true or false.

SDGs 6 and 11

SDG 6 seeks to "guarantee the availability of water, its sustainable management and sanitation for all". Choose the correct option.

SDGs 7, 9 and 11

"Affordable and non-polluting energy" ( SDG 7 ) and "sustainable industry and infrastructure" ( SDG 9 ) are essential to address the great challenges and opportunities that the world is facing. Identify and drag to planet earth those energies considered clean.

SDGs 11 and 12

"Responsible consumption" ( SDG 12 ) and effective waste management are essential to achieve healthy and competitive cities, which is why the 4Rs, "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover" are the cornerstone of the strategies of waste minimization.

SDGs 11, 13, 14 and 15

Underwater life ( SDG 14 ), terrestrial ecosystems ( SDG 15 ), and biodiversity are important for human life. To protect them is an action in favor of the environment ( SDG 13 ). Select the images that contribute to the conservation of the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems.

SDGs 11, 13, 14 and 15

Peace, justice and solid institutions ( SDG 16 ) will be achieved through alliances between different actors to achieve the Objectives (SDG 17 ).

How did the test go?

Surely well, in addition to having learned new things!


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